Books and other pages

If you have ended up here, you are probably related to my family or my husband's, because this is where I post transcribed books and other articles that would interest genealogists. So, welcome! 

The two books I want to particularly draw attention to are:

The Diary of John Banks 1797-1870

Memoir of Old Enon by Mamie Banks Barnett

Over time I expect to add more. See also the pages listed at right. 

Please feel free to contact me, which is ridiculously easy these days: just search for me and use whatever you find to send me a message. Or you can find me on, or I am a big fan of collaboration. 

Meg Betts Torbert's family trees:

Maternal: Beal, Skinner, Catlett, Skelding, Lowe, Mahan, Anderson, Cox, Parry, Pryor, Gill, Harker, Hall, Comly, Heaton

Paternal: Betts, Healy, King, Chandler, Jennings

Roy Banks Torbert's family trees:

Maternal: Banks, Downing, Tarver, Gibson, Jernigan, Guerry, Urquhart, Alston, Jones, Faver, Wallace, Russ, Gachet, Pinson, Dunn, Tyler, Munroe, McGeehee, Davis, Irvin

Paternal: Torbert, Persons, Carter, Russ, Smith, Hurt, Thompson, Scuddy, Mathews, Upchurch, Gates, Wright, Haslet

Nov. 20, 2023